Immigration Law

Immigration Law Office in Regina, SK

Seek Legal Help When Disputing Deportation

Are you facing deportation from the country? Or, have you already been deported and want to return? These are complicated legal matters which require skilled deportation defence lawyers. Your future is at risk, so enlist the aid of the knowledgeable professionals at Pilkington - Regina in Regina, SK. Call us to schedule a consultation.

Defending You Against Deportation

Deportation begins with a removal order, requiring a resident who is not a citizen, to leave the country. The government issues three different types of these orders. The differences are found primarily in the length of time someone must leave the country, ranging from 30 days to permanently.

  • Deportation—This order bars an individual from ever returning to the country unless he or she receives written permission from the government.
  • Exclusion—With this order, the recipient must leave the country for one year.
  • Departure—This order requires a person to leave the country within 30 days.

Rely on our deportation law firm to help you fight a removal order. As soon as you get your letter from the government, call us to start your defence. If you already have undergone deportation, our lawyers can help you apply for an Authorization to Return to Canada. Reach out to us for assistance that allows you to stay in or return to this country.

Contact us today to use our knowledge of the law to help you challenge a deportation order. We proudly serve customers in Regina, SK.


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Business Hours

Monday to Friday
9:00 to 5:00 by appointment

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